Every one who knows me knows how I rant about going back home. But I have always dreaded something about it....Being the last one to come away so far, I have witnessed the scenario as it used to be say a week or two before any of my sisters were due to come back....Mum would start shopping for all things she imagined they could possibly need and she would keep telling me her plans about which fish to make in what way they liked which they could not get otherwise. Time was spent literally counting the days left.
So now you have probably figured out my point. But I want to say it anyway so...I also wanted to go home to someone waiting for me....someone who would smile at the thought of it, would fuss over my putting on weight or putting it off....whichever. I did get all of that...there were aunties enough for that. But honestly, I wished I could see Ma doing all of that. I wish I could see her, hug her, and just now that she is as happy as I am.
What I dreaded was the hurt of knowing finally that I would not get that...not then,not ever. Yes it is pretty obvious from here itself but there is a comfort of illusion which once you get used to, is pretty hard to just cast off. But all I had to do was not let myself think about it...as always. But it was always in some corner of my mind, tucked under a sheet of seeming nothingness.
Then, suddenly, out of nowhere I had a dream yesterday. My sisters and I went home and there She was,waiting. She hugged me, smiled that smile of disbelief I know so well. She talked, She fussed....did everything i had hoped for. then at night when everyone was getting ready to sleep I was told that She would sleep alone. I refused and went to sleep by her side. I held her and asked her what she does all day alone in the city. I talked of college, of people and every stupid absurd detail. She listened. I could tell that she was sad. sad because She was alone and sad because She wanted us to stay but She knew She could not ask.
This sounds like an ordinary dream and it would have been just so. Except for the fact that it was so real. When I held Her, I could actually feel Her skin, smell Her like I have not done in ages. Even in my dream I new that all this was temporary and so did She. It was almost as if She had come just so I could get what I had wished for.
People will call it an illusion or some such technical nonsense. But for me, it was a wonderful realization of knowing that even when I do not pray for things that i want because they seem so pointless, someone is listening...She is listening and for Her what I want is still important....that She is still my Ma who knows what Her kid needs and when.
Sometimes I imagine talking to her over the phone and sometimes i imagine her talking about me. I used to believe that with the end of a place and of a person alike, all possibilities of making new memories end. But now I know that this possibility goes on...and that is very important for people like me who, as Amitav Ghosh puts it "have no home except in memory".
Ma, my coming here needs the validation of knowing that you are happy and proud . Because I so wish to do that. Every good grade on an assignment, any good comment given....and I wish you would be around to listen. But now I know you are listening and thankyou for letting me know that.
I miss you. I hope you do too.
the dream was amazing, beautiful.
i wish this was just a piece of literature, for i can appreciate the sadness and fragility in the situation and when i think about you.. and when reality shines on the face i'd run away and not face it.
random comment.
oh pinky, oh pinky, ____ maara bada s-tinky!
tainu sharm nai aandi hai?
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