Monday, September 17, 2007


this is a big thankyou to all who commented on the previous post. it was the first time i was on the verge of tears while reading the comment page (for a good reason).
someone said it was "writing at its best" (blush). someone said my mom would have been proud of me:).but what was best was that it was so very a warm quilt on a rainy night. to be comforted feels nice. but to be comforted by people who do not even know you, to feel cared for feels so...well...sigh.
moving on...last week my distant aunt in a village type place gave birth to a girl...her second girl.
my entire extended family...that is the women went "oh!too bad." my reaction was this'"uh..wha...what?" then they went on to explain how they had wanted a boy because apparantly if a boy performs rituals after his family members death,it is much better for the soul.yes...i know...crap!
they went on to say they felt so very disappointed when i and my sis-2 were born,especially me.ouch.that hurt. i have not been ignorant about gender woes. i just never expected this in my own backyard.
and all this why? would i have loved my parents better as a boy? would i be a better sibling as a boy?no. its a ridiculous thought. but there it is!
i remember watching old movies about this as a kid.i remember going to my father and apologizing for being a girl (my age:4). i remember my father laughing (he had a strange sense of humour).its pathetic. i felt disgusted at these women and its not a great feeling.
i'm not a rebel or anything.but i'm not going to let them make me feel sorry for being a girl.humanity must be sorry enough at their existence in the first place. where is that basic sense of human compassion? is having a child not about creating a living acknowledgement of your love? is a child not a part of you, regardless of its sex?
whatever.oh my sister is coming this saturday.(yay!) i remember going to school,seated in a car with both of them on each side of me thinking "i have the best!". yeah well...hehe.
p.s.:i wrote my first fan letter to one of my favourite authors and the sweet thing replied!(yahoo!)


heh? ok said...

do not even get me started on the womenfolk in our family. sometimes i want to fry their medieval brains in hot oil. anyway, please don't let anyone make you feel bad about being a girl. apart from a few minor discomforts, it's the best way to be.

Unknown said...

i knw this very well man.toldya abt ma dad i guess.hope u remember.anyway.these women getting sad that a girl is born.i mean don't they feel ashamed of wat they're saying.i mean feeling sad for having another female baby in the family by the females of the house-thats a shame or some ridiculous joke they're making out of themselves and their existence and their being "women".THEY'RE REALLY SICK FREAKS IN EVERY POSSIBLE SENSE THE WORDS MAKE.GOD SLAP THEM ALL ACROSS THEIR FACES.okay sry for getting so hyper.
good for you that ur sis is coming
btw do u really think u want to thank all the ppl for the prev blog i mean think again my comment was there.

zzzzzz... said...

yes im sure u freak!

probe said...

I've been here more often than you think i have 'Pinkerton'. It's fresh and wonderful, this blog. Well, the womenfolk are barely worth your disappointment. A few degrees of evolution separate most people, be glad you're in the better half. And btw, also talkng of halves, half the world is men, and men love women way more than women love men or themselves so, Holy Cheers!

new age scheherazade said...

it IS a shame. but you know, when you're away they'll probably be telling their friends of 'how good in studies my niece is' or 'how much she's earning'.
two sides to every coin.